Mistress Valeria wanted to degrade this loser for disagreeing with her. She felt that he had made her look bad and she had to make sure he never disagreed with her in public. He had to do it in private if at all he wanted to disagree with her. So she made him drink her pee and told him she would do worse if he did not change his ways.
Mistress Jardena and her friend had watched some girl on girl action and they were both turned on. They wanted to do some of the naughty things they had seen in the video. And that is how they chose to try piss fetish. It was a lot of fun for them as they made out for the first time and they peed on each other besides licking each other's pussies.
Mistress Nica wanted to show this guy that she was not the sort of person to mess with and then hope to get the chance to do it again. He had pissed her off and she had let it go. But he tried to do it again and this time she did not lt him. She chained him and she peed on him to send a cruel warning to him.
This mistress has a thing for pee and she had fun with her pee fetish today. She loves to pee on new guys because she does not want to pee on a guy many times and have him get used to it. The mistress wants her pee fetish to have impact and that is why she is always on the lookout for new guys to humiliate and have fun with.
This mistress had gone swimming and she was having a great time. While she was swimming, she felt like peeing but she held on because she did not want to pee in the water and she did not want to get out to pee. This loser hurt himself while swimming and she helped him get out. When she got him to a safe place, she pissed on him as she could not hold on any longer.
This mistress wanted to try pee fetish. She had heard about it but she had never tried it. She did a search on the internet and she loved what she saw. She was convinced she had to do it. All she needed was a loser and luckily one brought himself as she was getting home today. She went home with him and she made him drink her urine. It was awesome. For her.
This mistress wanted to teach her boyfriend how to have fun. He loves her because she is kinky and adventurous. Today she asked him to do something he had never thought of before. She asked him to lick her ass and when he had done it, she got him to drink her urine. But it was all naughty and it turned them on with how wrong it felt. They had crazy sex afterwards.
This mistress is kinky and she only messes with kinky guys. This guy had a good vibe about him and she told him as much. But she told him he would never see her pussy as he was not kinky. He rushed to defend himself and told him he was kinky. She had to find out if he was so she pissed on him and asked him to drink the urine. He had never done so before but he drank it to prove he was capable of being kinky.
This mistress has lived a sheltered life. She does not have many friends and she has to entertain herself most of the time. Today she chose to try something different. She wanted to try pee fetish. She had to enjoy the pee fetish on her own as she did not have anyone to pee on. But she created a blog and she shared it with lovers of pee fetish and she was shocked to find many people loving it.
This mistress wanted to try peeing like a man as she humiliated this loser. She got on top of a desk and she peed on him as he lay on the ground. She had fun humiliating him and having fun at his expense. He could do nothing about it and she forced him to lick the pee on the floor. The loser did it all while crying and begging for mercy.